Student Sport Volunteering
Get Involved
Volunteering is known to help with future employment, and our Extra Mile programme is the perfect way to get involved! Through other agencies we advertise a wide range of volunteering opportunities that are tailored to suit our students’ busy timetables. These can range from school sport competitions, primary school sports festivals, Great Birmingham Run, and many more!
Our students also benefit from the generosity of our industry partners, who support the development of our volunteers. The Adam Cole Foundation is the key sponsor of The Extra Mile Programme and offer support to our current volunteers by offering the chance to apply for a development bursary. These opportunities are available for all University of Birmingham students, regardless of sporting ability or course.

Birmingham 2022
Commonwealth Games

As an Official Partner of the Games, the University of Birmingham played a key role in delivering an outstanding international sporting event, including being the hosts of the Hockey and Squash events, as well as the largest athletes village.

Over 100 staff and students volunteered at the Games (and counting). Over 450 students were also directly employed on campus supporting the Games.
Internal Volunteering Opportunities
Further information regarding internal opportunities will be released here in due course.
External Volunteering Opportunities
It does not matter where or how you get a volunteer placement. Sport Birmingham frequently advertise local volunteering opportunities in the community. If you decide to take up an outside opportunity do not forget to tell us, register your hours to receive the free stash.
The Extra Mile Supporting Partners
Volunteering Development Opportunities
Whether you are a coach, volunteer, official, or you are just looking to support your local club, we are here to help to provide further information and support. Developing your coaching will mean going on a course to gain an additional coaching qualification or attending one-off workshops or short courses. A massive range of courses are available locally to help you gain a new or next level of coaching award, or simply develop your skills and knowledge for coaching. See below for a range of resources.
The Birmingham Award
The Birmingham Award is the University’s employability award for undergraduate students. Gain recognition for participating in activities you are already doing! Register your interest on the website!
Sport Birmingham Training
Looking for training? Sport Birmingham are here to help. There is a wide range of training opportunities for both individuals and organisations.
UK Coaching
Empowering Coaching Workshops
This introductory workshop, delivered by a member of the Empowering CoachingTM team at the University of Birmingham, provides opportunities for coaches and individuals delivering sport sessions to understand the principles behind Empowering CoachingTM. Equipped with this knowledge, you will be challenged to re-evaluate common practices when coaching.