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New Year, Same Me… But Better!

Everyone is well aware of that much-posted typical January mantra: ‘New Year, New ME!’ and research conducted by Strava last year shows that by the second Friday in January, people start to give up those well-founded intentions. However, is this actually a productive way to start the New Year? Sarah Carvell, our Psychologist, tells us more.
So far in 2019 the most popular topic of conversation seems to centre around each person’s promise to themselves that this year will be different. But, as Sarah argued in the latest edition of our Fit Focus Forum, as humans, do we actually want to become a new person, a ‘New Me’, or are we actually striving to become a better version of ourselves? And, more importantly, how do we go about achieving this?
Prior to setting targets for 2019, it is important to appreciate/congratulate yourself on what you have already achieved in the past year as well as re-evaluating your current fitness levels and where you are now. You are then able to build upon this information and can ask yourself that million-dollar question ‘What Do You Want to Achieve in 2019?’.
Setting goals helps to create a pathway for success so that an individual knows how they are going to achieve their outcome goal for 2019. Goals come in all different shapes and sizes but the three main types are Outcome, Performance and Process. Outcome goals help to motivate and structure where you are heading. Performance Goals direct your attention to strengths and areas of improvements. Process Goals help you focus on what you can control.
Think of Goals as Your Satnav! Your outcome goal is the destination then your performance and process goals are the directions. When planning to drive somewhere you would not just concentrate on the destination (or the outcome), the most important thing to know are the directions (performance and process) of how to get there.
By setting realistic performance and process goals, you are taking ownership of your development to reach your full potential, whilst having a positive impact on your confidence, maintaining your motivation and focus when training and directing behaviour towards what you ultimately want to achieve.
If you view exercise as something you have to do rather than something that simply is part of your lifestyle then it is much harder to keep it going.
Remember; take care of the processes and the outcomes take care of themselves!