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Balance. Share. Rest – Mental Health Awareness Day

Balance. Share. Rest.

I am sure that for most of you, looking after your mental health has been something which has ironically been badgering you from all angles in recent times. As we celebrate Mental Health Day on Thursday 14 March, let’s commit to prioritizing our well-being and supporting one another in our journeys toward mental wellness.

Remember, taking care of your mental health isn’t selfish—it’s essential for leading a fulfilling life. With that being said, I’ll try and keep this brief, and to a few important words:


This should come as no surprise that if one finds oneself out of balance for extended periods of time, things can quickly take a turn for the worse. So, take a moment to step back and ask yourself if anything could be realigned in your immediate life.


Often when we are struggling with some aspect of our lives, regardless of what that may be, we can immediately ease the situation by speaking to someone. This doesn’t have to be a trained professional, but rather just a friend, a family member, a colleague, or even just speaking to yourself, out loud. It may seem odd at first, but having a heart to heart with yourself can be quite affective.


Without realising it, especially in these information hyperdrive times, we can find ourselves in a state of overload. This may be realised in the form of an unusually overactive mind, or an uncomfortably tense body. If this is the case for you, factor in moments, or even days across the month, where you detox from the world, and all of its often-unnecessary complexities.

Wishing you all peace, balance, and resilience on your mental health journey.


Peter Antonio, Senior Gym Instructor

A headshot of Peter Antonio a Sport & Fitness Gym Instructor.

Looking to focus on your mental health this month? We have a host of activities ongoing from Saturday 24 February to Sunday 24 March 2024 in line with the BRIT Challenge. Follow the link below to find out more and get involved