Josh O'Brien and Annie Caddick Para Rowing teamCategoriesAnnouncement

Paris Paralympics rowing dreams a reality

Paris Paralympics rowing dreams a reality

PATHWAY TO PARIS – Alumni Annie Caddick and Josh O’Brien (Economics) have been selected to represent Team GB at the Paralympics in Paris this summer. 

Both Josh and Annie started rowing in their second year of university, and Annie did so as the inclusivity of the sport, club and teammates appealed to her and made her feel equal, rather than focusing on her cerebral palsy. Annie achieved her Paralympic qualification at the 2023 European Championships where she won bronze, was crowned European Champion in 2024, and will compete in the PR3 mixed double sculls in Paris.

Josh, who started rowing as an alternative to football following an injury, made his GB Rowing debut at the European Championships 2024, taking home the gold. He announced his selection as part of the PR3 mixed coxed four on Instagram earlier this month, crediting the University of Birmingham rowing club for making his dream a reality.

‘Being officially selected to represent Great Britain at Paris 2024 in the PR3 mix4+is a dream come true. Without the help of University of Birmingham rowing club and Mosley Boat Club none of this would have been possible, thank you.’

CategoriesEvents Member News Student News

Meet Our Members: Katie Mole, Rowing Regatta Medallist

Meet Our Members: Katie Mole, Rowing Regatta Medallist

Rowing club member and full-time postgraduate medical student, Katie, Mole, recently saw saw incredible success after being selected to represent Great Britain at the May International Wedau Regatta in Duisburg, Germany!

Katie competed in the Senior Women’s Double Sculls category and secured a silver and bronze medal over the two days of the competition. She competed alongside athlete Rebecca Wilde for the first time, after being on the same development programme for a number of years.  After returning to full-time study over the last nine months, she had to work incredibly hard balancing her academics alongside club and gym training. We caught up with her to learn more about her impressive schedule.

Katie Mole (left) and Rebecca Wilde (right)

What does a typical day look like for you?


Typically, my day begins bright and early at 06:00am, heading to the gym to train on the rowing machine with the University Boat Club. Following this, I study in the medical school for most of the day, from 09:00am-05:00pm. I then head back to the gym for a weights or cardio session before going home to finish the day by refuelling and completing any university work at home.

 How do you stay motivated to stick to your schedule?


Although this is a pretty gruelling schedule, it’s made easier by how friendly the gym staff are at Sport and Fitness. I’m always greeted by a friendly face or an interested question about how my training is going.

Who have been key supporters in your journey?


In particular, Joe Blacker has gone above and beyond to help me with my strength and conditioning work, taking on the role of a fantastic coach, and getting me to the strongest I’ve ever been, which was instrumental in facilitating my selection for international racing. I also owe a big thanks to the other athletes and coaches in the boat club for their continued support. Having enjoyed my first experience of racing in GB kit I’m excited to continue to improve and see what’s in store for the rest of the season and beyond.


Katie will also be racing at Henley Regatta at the end June which is one of the most prestigious rowing events, where she hopes to see even more successes!

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