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Inhale, Exhale | Stress Awareness Month

Inhale, Exhale. 

As we embrace Stress Awareness Month, we acknowledge that amidst the sunny days, this month can often be challenging for many. Whether it’s the pressure of daily tasks or the looming exams, the stress can weigh heavily. That’s why we’ve reached our wellness expert, Peter Antonio, to offer some advice.  

Why is it important to recognise stress signs in your body?

Stress can creep into our daily lives subtly, often underlying our default state of being without us noticing. We may be aware of these altered levels when experiencing a sudden, acute bout of stress; however, chronic states can be more difficult to detect.

Feeling states of stress can be tough to deal with physically, not to mention psychologically if left unchecked. If we ignore this, stress within us can increase our heart rate and blood pressure, as well as raise the prevalence of headaches and stomach issues.

What should you do when you deal with a stressful situation?

Various methods exist for addressing stress, ranging from direct to indirect approaches. Depending on the source of stress and our life circumstances, some methods may prove more effective than others. Whenever a feeling arises, you can usually recognise a signature of that sensation somewhere in your body. When you identify this, try to find somewhere quiet, close your eyes, relax, and search for the area of the body you feel the most. 

A headshot of Peter Antonio a Sport & Fitness Gym Instructor.

Attempt to sit or lay with your chest open, allowing yourself space. Embrace your feelings without judgment; they are part of you and all human beings. Acknowledge its presence without criticism, recognising that it serves a purpose and will naturally disappear if not interfered with. Practice this for 5 minutes before resuming your daily activities. Have a moment to reflect on how the stress feels and take pride in empowering yourself to address its root cause directly.


Peter Antonio, Senior Gym Instructor

This month, prioritise self-care and nurture your emotional well-being. Remind yourself that you’re not alone, and there are people in your life who you can invite for a nature walk and share your feelings. Inhale and exhale to ground yourself and find calm amidst any challenges you may face.

Sport & Fitness provides a lot of holistic classes during the week. Have you ever tried candlelit or hatha yoga? May is the perfect time to do it! 

Woman on a yoga mat practising yoga pose