Sport Performance Support Clean Sport
Clean Sport at Birmingham
All sporting participants have the right to compete in Clean Sport.
The University of Birmingham adopts the UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) position that cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on society.
Clean Sport Statement
”University of Birmingham Sport is committed to nurturing and developing our student athletes, creating a Clean Sport environment is so important to ensure that our athletes are making to right choices for their health and performance. By educating our staff, coaches and athletes we hope to give our athletes the knowledge and support to adhere to UKAD and WADA guidelines throughout their sporting careers”
To this end University of Birmingham commits to support Clean Sport in the UK in the following ways:
- The University of Birmingham supports the mission of UK Anti-Doping and WADA in achieving Clean Sport.
- All athletes are expected to play, train and compete in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping rules.
- All coaches and athlete support personnel are expected to perform their role in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping rules.
- University of Birmingham is committed to supporting the prevention of doping behaviour in the UK in collaboration with other sporting bodies
- Employed and associated ‘staff’ will not condone, assist or in any way support the use of prohibited substances and methods (unless permitted by a Therapeutic Use Exemption) in any aspects of their work.
- Breaches of this, or any rules/policies referred to in University of Birmingham own code of practice/conduct will be acted upon accordingly.
- All employed and associated staff will be expected to contact UK Anti-Doping should they become aware of an athlete or NGB member using or considering the usage of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. This contact should be done in confidence on the dedicated confidential Report Doping in Sport line.
- The University of Birmingham will uphold any sanctions placed upon an athlete by UK Anti-Doping or other associated body in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.
Position Statement on Supplement Use
A supplement is considered to be a product that an athlete uses alongside their diet to enhance their general health and wellbeing, or their performance. It is important that University of Birmingham athletes understand the key facts and risks associated with the use of supplements so that they can make informed decisions on whether to use them.
This statement details the University of Birmingham’s position on the use of supplements, providing a clear guide on everything an athlete should consider prior to supplement use. In addition, it gives information on how athletes can reduce the risk of inadvertent doping from the use of supplements.
Step One
The University of Birmingham places a high emphasis on a ‘food first’ approach. This means that all athletes should first assess whether they are getting all of the nutrients they require through their diet. They should also assess whether they are optimally implementing the basics around training and competing e.g. fuelling well beforehand and recovering well afterward. Athletes should contact the Lead Nutritionist if they need any guidance on this. If athletes are following a balanced diet, incorporating all of the main food groups in appropriate quantities, then there will often not be a need to supplement. However, if after reviewing the decisions made that supplementation is still necessary because there is clear evidence that it will benefit health and/or performance, then there are a few more important steps that athletes need to take prior to supplement use.
Step Two
The athlete should understand the risks that are associated with supplementation use. There are no guarantees that any supplement is safe from contaminated substances. Athletes must follow the principle of strict liability, meaning that they are solely responsible for the presence of a prohibited substance in their body. This is regardless of how it got there, even unknowingly or unintentionally. If a prohibited substance is found in a sample then this will likely lead to a ban from the athletes respective sport for a period of time.
Step Three
If after following steps 1 and 2 the athlete still believes that supplementation is necessary and they understand the risks associated with supplement use, then they should only use supplements that have been batch tested as part of the Informed Sport Programme. These are clear to identify because they will have the Informed Sport logo on the produce, and a batch test certificate can be obtained from the supplier. Using Informed Sport tested products does not provide 100% guarantee that any supplement is free from prohibited substances, it only minimises the risk. Athletes should use the Informed Sport website to search for the product and specific batch number, and keep a record of the search for future reference. Athletes should understand that if a prohibited substance was to be found in their sample from the use of an Informed Sport product, then they would still be liable.