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Trampolining at UoB is a great way to socialise with new people and have fun – at our club you will meet people with different interests, from all different courses. 


We don’t have trials, and offer regular training sessions, welcoming members of all abilities, including complete novices who have never even been on a trampoline before. Our committee are all different abilities too so you can get advice on any new skills you want to master.


We attend 5 competitions per year, as well as BUCS Nationals, allowing our members to compete as much or as little as they want. So whether you want to compete throughout the year, or just come and have a bounce during training, it’s completely up to you!


We also do a lot together off the trampoline with many different socials like attending open gyms, meals out and sports nights.

Whatever your experience, goals or time commitments, everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you soon!


President: Imogen Green


Sport & Fitness Multi-Sport Arena

The club frequently train and compete in the multi-sport arena at Sport & Fitness.


Our state-of-the-art gym is available for all your strength and conditioning needs.


Exact times will be confirmed by the club upon registration.


The club compete in BUCS Trampolining Championships and other competitions throughout the country each year.

Membership Price

As part of signing up to a Sports Club you are agreeing to the Sport and Fitness Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Sports Club Code of Conduct and other UB Sport policies. Click here to head to Sports Club Benefits to read them.

£118 full-year membership includes:

  • Maximum 24 weeks x 2 hours per week qualified coaching
  • NEUT Affiliation Fee
  • Maximum 24 weeks x 6 hours training per week sessions in Slater Hall
  • Sport related equipment provided

Extra – not compulsory

  • BUCS Trampolining entry and travel included
  • Club related social Activity including bake sales
  • Tasters sessions
    Individual club clothing purchased – varied on price
  • Access to 5 league competitions per year (between November and April)
  • Summer Ball

*This is an approximate list of what the club membership may include. This can change at any point, so please confirm with the club directly on what this membership includes.

Trials and Tasters


Wednesday 4 October: 1-3pm

Friday 6 October: 5-7pm (£3 per person)

Slater Hall